Window functions of SQl server are very useful. Many webpage like this one have written how to use them. I want to share with you one segment of my sql code to get running total percentage using window functions.

I have this scenario and problem to solve: Every night, hundreds (or thousands) of our data warehouse table are updated. We want to know the updated time of those table that we are interested. So, I want to have the updated count and running total percentage for the update.

When I search for running total percentage in google, this two appears on the top of the list.

However, it seems that the total of these two examples are only one number. In my example, I used windows function for both the total and the single row to get running total for different windows.

here is my code:

select Schema_nm, table_Name, Load_time, number_updt, hour_of_day
,sum(NUMBER_UPDT) OVER (PARTITION BY Schema_nm, table_Name ORDER BY Load_time) as Running_Total
,CAST(CAST(sum(NUMBER_UPDT) OVER (PARTITION BY Schema_nm, table_Name ORDER BY Load_time) as decimal(18,2))/CAST(sum(NUMBER_UPDT) OVER (PARTITION BY Schema_nm, table_Name) as decimal(18,2))*100 as int) as running_percentage
select Schema_nm, table_Name, case when HOUR_OF_DAY >17 Then HOUR_OF_DAY when HOUR_OF_DAY <=17 Then HOUR_OF_DAY+24 end as Load_time, number_updt, hour_of_day
SELECT 'Schema_1' as Schema_nm, 'table_1’ as table_Name,  DATEPART(HOUR, Last_Updated_Date) AS HOUR_OF_DAY, COUNT (Table1_id) AS NUMBER_UPDT FROM Schema_1.table_1 WHERE Last_Updated_Date>GETDATE()-90 GROUP BY DATEPART(HOUR, Last_Updated_Date) UNION All
SELECT  'sechema_2' as Schema_nm,'table_2' as table_Name,  DATEPART(HOUR, Last_Updated_Ts) AS HOUR_OF_DAY, COUNT (table2_id) AS NUMBER_UPDT FROM schema_2.table_2 WHERE Last_Updated_Ts>GETDATE()-90 GROUP BY DATEPART(HOUR,Last_Updated_Ts )
) as result_set
) as result_set1
Order by Schema_nm, table_Name, Load_time

The part:

when HOUR_OF_DAY >17 Then HOUR_OF_DAY when HOUR_OF_DAY <=17 Then HOUR_OF_DAY+24 end

is for: We want to see the update time starting from 18:00 when schedules job starts. Not from 0:00, although this is the natural number to start mathematically.

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