I gave this talk on a PASS Application Development Virtual Group on 2021-10-10 evening. Giving a online presentation is much tougher than giving a in-person presentation because you don’t have immediate audience feedback. I clearly recall that when I gave in-person presentation, my audience laughed after my openning joke. The laughter relaxed the audience and excited me. I continued my talk with focus and passion. Online presentation lack on this. But, on line presentation leave record and the interested audience could go back as many times as they need to. This is an advantage that in-person presentation don’t have.

My presentation starts at 9 minutes 30 seconds (before that is the meeting organizer went over group house keeping items)

The knowledge part of my presentation starts at 14 minutes 10 second (the first 5 minutes of my talk is my self introduction and boring jokes)


if you like to watch it in a new tab, click link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GAglU08-3s

If you havn’t, search “PASS TV” on youtube. The newest PASS meeting will be held in Seattle Nov. 2022. I hope that I can go.

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